-hotel, -samling, -workshops, -samtaler, -talks, -ture, -kunst
Et projekt v/ ET4U på Kunstnersammenslutningen Jyllands udstilling GODS
på Nørre Vosborg 6. april – 22. oktober 2023.
INSEKT består af flere dele, der alle har insekter og biodiversitet som omdrejningspunkt:
– et fysisk værk, INSEKT-HOTELLET, som er placeret i skoven ved Nørre Vosborg,
– en borgerinddragende proces, INSEKT-WORKSHOPS, hvor ET4U besøger en lang række skoler og institutioner, foreninger og private værter i lokalområdet; ved disse møder fremstiller deltagerne ’insekt-figurer’ af naturmaterialer, som efterfølgende udstilles i
– fællesværket INSEKT-SAMLINGEN på Nørre Vosborg,
– en række ÅBNE MØDER ved Insekt-hotellet, hvor inviterede oplægsholdere, naturfolk og kunstnere, kommer med relevante faglige oplæg, og insekt-figurer kreeres.
-hotel, -collection, -workshops, -conversations, -talks, -tours, -art
A project by ET4U at Kunstnersammenslutningen Jylland’s exhibition GODS
at Nørre Vosborg 6 April – 22 October 2023.
INSECT consists of several parts, all of which focus on insects and biodiversity:
– a physical work, the INSECT HOTEL, which is located in the forest near Nørre Vosborg,
– a process involving participants in the INSECT WORKSHOPS, where ET4U visits a large number of schools and institutions, associations and private hosts in the local area; at these meetings, the participants produce ‘insect figures’ – from materials found in the nature – which are subsequently exhibited in
– the joint work the INSECT COLLECTION at Nørre Vosborg,
– a series of OPEN MEETINGS at the Insect hotel, where invited introductory speakers – biologists and artists – give relevant professional presentations, and insect figures are created.
TANKEN 2021-22
Den 6. august 2021 lancerede foreningen ET4U et nyt mødested kaldet TANKEN, som kørte rundt i lokalområdet i et år.
TANKEN var at fokusere på fællesskabet, samtidskunsten og lokalområdet, og alle var inviteret med.
(OBS! Vælg tosidet/dobbeltsidet visning og med ”Vis forsiden separat” slået til)
TANKEN* 2021-22
(*The word “tanken” has two meanings in Danish. It is short for “the service/ gas/ filling/ or petrol station” and it means “the thought/ idea/ intention”.)
On 6 August 2021 the association ET4U launched a new meeting place called TANKEN, which was driving around the local area for a year.
TANKEN focused on the community, the contemporary arts and the local area, and everyone was invited to participate.
Have a look at TANKEN’S RECIPES and DIARY 2021-22 (OBS! Select double-sided layout and with “Show front page separately” turned on – and SORRY: All text is in Danish…)
MEETINGS var et 4-årigt video- og performanceprojekt i Midt- og Vestjylland 2016-19. Internationale kunstnere blev inviteret på arbejdsophold på forskellige lokaliteter, og her skabte de nye video- og performanceværker for, om og i mødet med området, set med den udefrakommende kunstners blik. MEETINGS skabte kunst relateret til her hvor vi bor, og værkerne blev vist på utraditionelle steder og lokaliteter rundt om Nissum Fjord.
I MEETINGS indgik to festivaler – den første løb af stablen 1. – 10. september 2017, og den anden 30. august – 8. september 2019. Festivalerne præsenterede de nye video- og performanceværker, som blev skabt til MEETINGS. Desuden vistes en lang række værker, som også forholder sig til ’stedet’ og ’mødet’, men set fra andre hjørner af verden end det midt- og vestjyske. Begge festivaler begyndte med et åbent symposium med deltagelse af bl.a. et stort antal af de udstillende kunstnere. LÆS MERE HER
MEETINGS was a 4-year video and performance project taking place in Central and West Jutland, Denmark, 2016-19. We invited international artists for residencies, and here they created new video and performance works dealing with, taking place in, and produced in the meeting with the local area. The works are new and artistic reflections on the area seen from the outside. MEETINGS created art related to where we live, and the works were shown in non-traditional exhibition places and locations around Nissum Fjord.
MEETINGS included two festivals – the first festival took place 1 -10 September, 2017, and the other festival 30 August – 8 September, 2019. The festivals presented the new video and performance works that were created for MEETINGS. In addition, the festivals presented a large number of works also relating to “the site” and “the meeting”, but seen from other corners of the world than Central and West Jutland. Both festivals started with an open symposium where a large number of the exhibiting artists participated among others. READ MORE HERE