Historien om ET4Us ArtBar
ArtBaren så dagens lys første gang en septemberdag 2000. Klavs Weiss inspireredes af en cirkulerende artikel omhandlende vigtigheden af at få sig en sjus med kollegerne. Dels for at få kunsten godt og grundigt gennemdiskuteret, samt styrke helsen ved det sociale samværs og alkoholens positive indvirkning. At ArtBaren fortsat spiller en rolle i ET4U regi, skyldes ET4Us beliggenhed, samt den høje prioritering af de udvekslingsmæssige aspekter i forbindelse med arbejdet i almindelighed. For hvor finder vi en til formålet egnet bar i Nees-Bøvlingbjerg området?
The history of the ET4U ArtBar
The ArtBar first saw the light of day in September, 2000. Klavs Weiss was inspired from a circulating article that dealt with the importance of having a drink with one’s colleagues – partly in order to have a thorough discussion on art – partly in order to strengthen one’s health with the positive influences of alcohol and socializing. The fact that the ArtBar is still of great importance to ET4U is due to the location of ET4U as well as the high priority that is given to the daily person-to-person talk in connection with the creation of works in general. And where else would one find a convenient bar to meet her in the Nees-Bøvlingbjerg area – at the back of beyond?