New and artistic reflections on the area seen from the outside


I løbet af MEETINGS første halvdel 2016–17 blev der skabt og vist to performances og syv videoværker – hvoraf de fem var i samarbejde med kulturhistoriske museer. MEETINGS-festivalen 1.-10. september 2017 præsenterede desuden en række tidligere producerede videoværker, der alle har fokus på ’stedet’ og/eller ’mødet’. Værkerne vistes på utraditionelle steder, så som lader og udhuse, samt på 4 kulturhistoriske museer. I alt blev det til visning af 64 værker skabt af 62 kunstnere fra 21 forskellige lande på 26 midt- og vestjyske adresser. I de første tre dage af festivalen afholdtes et åbent symposium med base på Folkeuniversitetscentret Skærum Mølle i Vemb med deltagelse af bl.a. de 13 kunstnere, der har produceret nye værker til MEETINGS.

Se kataloget for MEETINGS 2016-17 her

Se programmet for MEETINGS-festivalen 2017 her


During the first part of MEETINGS 2016-17 two performances and seven video works were produced and exhibited – out of which five were in collaboration with museums of cultural history. In addition, the MEETINGS Festival 1st-10th of September 2017 presented a number of previously produced video works that all focus on the ‘site’ and/or the ‘meeting’. The works were shown at unconventional localities, such as barns and outbuildings, as well as four museums of cultural history. All in all, it amounted to a showing of 64 works, created by 62 artists from 21 different countries, at 26 addresses in Central and Western Jutland. During the first three days of the festival there was an open symposium based at the Folk University Centre Skærum Mølle in Vemb. Among the participants were the 13 artists who have produced new works for MEETINGS.

See the catalog for MEETINGS 2016-17 here

See the program for the MEETINGS Festival 2017 here

MEETINGS projekter 2016-17
– nye værker produceret til MEETINGS:

“Thyborøn Trawl Dans”, performance af Molly Haslund (DK) & Will Owen (USA) – i samarbejde med Helle Fuglsang (DK) og Siff Pristed (DK) – med udgangspunkt i deres arbejdsophold i Thyborøn.
Se dokumenterende video om projektet her

“Portræt af Nees-Skalstrup”, performance af Leena Kela (FI) & Jean-Léon Pallandre (FR) med udgangspunkt i deres arbejdsophold i Nees-Skalstrup.
Se dokumenterende video om projektet her

“Manden med den blå kappe”, video af Anne Loubet (FR) & Sophie-Charlotte Gautier (FR) med udgangspunkt i deres arbejdsophold i Staby.
Se dokumenterende video om projektet her

“Rounds”, video af Amanda Kerdahi (USA/EG) & Jette Ellgaard (DK) med udgangspunkt i deres arbejdsophold i Lemvig.
Se dokumenterende video om projektet her

“Et hus der flyder”, video af Gigi Scaria (IN) i samarbejde med Frilandsmuseet Hjerl Hede som en del af TIME, SITE & LORE.
“Hyldest til en udtjent åre”, video af Yuval Yairi (IL) i samarbejde med Fur Museum som en del af TIME, SITE & LORE.
“Krigsrester på Lemvig Museum”, video af Sadik Kwaish Alfraji (IQ/NL) i samarbejde med Lemvig Museum som en del af TIME, SITE & LORE.
“Pige med blå perler”, video af Gunilla Josephson (SE/CA) i samarbejde med Struer Museum som en del af TIME, SITE & LORE.
“Æ Skawmand”, video af Bassem Yousri (EG) i samarbejde med Struer Museum som en del af TIME, SITE & LORE.
Se dokumenterende video om TIME, SITE & LORE her

Og se video om kunstnerne, der evaluerer projektet her

MEETINGS projects 2016-17
– new works produced for MEETINGS:

“Thyborøn Trawl Dance”, performance by Molly Haslund (DK) & Will Owen (USA) – in collaboration with Helle Fuglsang (DK) and Siff Pristed (DK) – based on their residence in Thyborøn.
See documenting video about the project here

“Portrait of Nees-Skalstrup”, performance by Leena Kela (FI) & Jean-Léon Pallandre (FR) based on their residence in Nees-Skalstrup.
See documenting video about the project here

“The Man with the Blue Cape”, video by Anne Loubet (FR) & Sophie-Charlotte Gautier (FR) based on their residence in Staby.
See documenting video about the project here

“Rounds”, video by Amanda Kerdahi (USA/EG) & Jette Ellgaard (DK) based on their residence in Lemvig.
See documenting video about the project here

“A house that floats”, video by Gigi Scaria (IN) in collaboration with the Open-Air Museum Hjerl Hede as part of TIME, SITE & LORE.
“Tribute to a Dead Oar”, video by Yuval Yairi (IL) in collaboration with the Fur Museum as part of TIME, SITE & LORE.
“War Scraps at Lemvig Museum”, video by Sadik Kwaish Alfraji (IQ/NL) in collaboration with the Lemvig Museum as part of TIME, SITE & LORE.
“Girl with Blue Beads”, video by Gunilla Josephson (SE/CA) in collaboration with the Struer Museum as part of TIME, SITE & LORE.
“The Wardrobe Man”, video by Bassem Yousri (EG) in collaboration with the Struer Museum as part of TIME, SITE & LORE.
See documenting video about TIME, SITE & LORE here

And see video with the artists evaluating the project here

Disse kunstnere viste også værker på MEETINGS-festivalen 2017:
These artists also showed works at the MEETINGS Festival 2017:

Lone Aburas (DK), Ravi Agarwal (IN), Heino Aho (FI), Matej Al-Ali (CZ), Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes (USA), Annette Arlander (FI), Alžbeta Bacíková (CZ), Sonia Barrett (JA/GB), Ammar Bouras (AL), Sonia Mehra Chawla (IN), Sonja Lillebæk Christensen (DK), Matthew Cowan (NZ), Gian Cruz (PH), Mo Al Dee (EG), Douwe Dijkstra (NL), Maria Duncker (FI), Yasmine ElMeleegy (EG), Wapke Feenstra (NL), Vibha Galhotra (IN), Ewa Górzna (PL), Eeva-Mari Haikala (FI), Archana Hande (IN), Martina Holá (CZ), Coen Huisman (NL), Jules van Hulst (NL), Will Hurt (GB), Pavel Jestráb (CZ), Marianne Jørgensen (DK), Ranbir Kaleka (IN), Tellervo Kalleinen (FI), Kirsten Otzen Keck (DK), Sonia Khurana (IN), Michal Kindernay (CZ), Antti Laitinen (FI), Marc Lee (SH), Arjen de Leeuw (NL), Benoit Ménéboo (FR), Astrid Menze (DE), Mo Maja Moesgaard (DK), Eto Otitigbe (NG/USA), Stéphane Pichard (FR), Anssi Pulkkinen (FI), Lucie Rosenfeldová (CZ), Mauricio Sáenz (MX), Mayan Shay (IL), Tal Stadler (IL), Iiu Susiraja (FI), Marcella Vanzo (IT), Claire Villacorta (PH)

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